Lead Forensics

Brexit Means Brexit… And Opportunity

14 January 2019

The aftershocks of the UK’s Brexit vote continue to linger like a Donald Trump handshake.

Its looming presence has spread uncertainty and polarized an already polarized nation. It’s prompted a heightened sense of caution amongst established market players; the likes of whom await to see the impact Article 50 and newly-forged global alliances have on trading tariffs, currency value, inflation and consumer confidence with sweaty, furrowed brows. 2017, we’re told, is the year of The Fear. The year when it all starts to feel a little too real.

Yet for savvy business owners, marketing managers and entrepreneurs, this uncertainty is looking more like an opportunity than an obstacle, with the lowering of marketing budgets likely to open up room for new challengers to strut on stage, unleash bold brand statements, and drop the mic. Brand fame, nurtured in front of the right TV audiences.

Embracing This New Frontier

It would be foolish to deny the likelihood of consumer confidence and the Pound fluctuating, as the triggering of Article 50 sets Britain on a long path towards new territory. The reality is that some businesses will suffer, whilst others prosper. However, companies that hold their nerve and push peddle to the mettle through this journey stand to benefit significantly in the long-term; their sustained investment driving a greater share of market share and brand visibility.

We’re a resilient population of spenders here in the UK, and as consumer confidence inevitably begins to flourish more robustly, it will be the bolder brands who, as first arrivals, are best positioned to attract new customers and drive growth.

With the British Government at pains to stress how the post-Brexit landscape will be attuned to the needs of ambitious businesses, and general confidence – particularly amongst British manufacturers, exporters and UK tourism – at its highest since the referendum result was announced, the pessimism rearing its head within the corridors of larger, multinational corporations only adds to the optimism that Brexit may just drive a greater level of market plurality in the years to come.

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