Lead Forensics

A Day at Guerillascope

By Dilar Karadag

15 May 2024


I’ve been at Guerillascope for just over a year now, and, as cliche as it may sound, I’ve learned that no two days at a media planning agency are ever quite the same.

But our content manager has asked me to have a go at summarising one, so stay with me!

I guess I should start by saying that the majority of what I do as a media executive is in support of our account directors. They liaise directly with our clients, who range from smaller up-and-coming brands to larger household names.

Often, I’m asked to update scheduling reports that keep a client firmly in the know on how their budget is being utilised. Emails and phone calls with our media owner contacts are part and parcel of the process – I’d say I speak to some of them more often than I do friends and family!

We also receive a lot of requests to pitch. This, I find particularly interesting. An account director will ask me to run competitor and sector analysis reports, which are vital in developing an understanding of the markets we’re seeking to shake up.

Additionally, I’ll work with my managers to identify opportunities on IPA TouchPoints, a resource that gives us access to important reach and frequency figures for particular audiences and media channels. This data guides the strategies we put together.

At this point, I’ve earned a cup of tea. The tea round can, however, spell jeopardy, as you may end up having to make twelve mugs – all with different requests.

To keep things fair, we often like to fire an on-the-spot quiz question around the office. A recent example that had most of us stumped was: how many islands are there in the world? (feel free to have a guess in the comments). The person who responds with the ‘least-right’ answer takes on the gauntlet of going from desk to desk, praying most people say no to a cuppa. They usually all say yes.

Caffeine fix tended to, it’s back to work. Another really enjoyable part of said work is attending events. These can be content showcases from the likes of Channel 4 and ITV, or new research launches held at Thinkbox etc.

Sometimes, media owners and industry bodies will also come into the office for a ‘lunch and learn’. These are always great opportunities to network and maintain relations, besides keeping our plans on the leading edge with new insights.

The day usually ends with internal meetings, where we’ll discuss work that needs to be done the next day. This typically revolves around new media plans, the optimisation of existing campaigns, and any other office-y tidbits. Then, it’s time to say goodbye… and tackle London transport.

To neatly wrap things up, I’d say being in the office three days a week is really rewarding. We’re all constantly learning from each other, while it’s always a pleasure speaking to clients old and new.

It’s definitely a busy place to be – with challenges coming at you thick and fast – but it’s also an environment where I feel valued and supported. Ultimately, the most important thing is to enjoy going to work, and I’m lucky to have that at Guerillascope.

Time for the tea break quiz!

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